How to Check for Bed Bugs
If you think you may have bed bugs, check for the following signs:
Live or dead bed bugs: If you find even one live or dead specimen in your home or business, then you have an infestation. A single female adult bug can produce up to 250 eggs in her lifetime.
Bites: Bed bug bites are small, circular red marks that may itch, swell, or look puffy. They often bite an area of the body multiple times in lines or clusters. Bites are common on any skin that is exposed while you’re sleeping, such as the face or arms.
Stains: Bed bugs leave behind dark or rust-colored, greasy stains on surfaces when they’re crushed or when they produce waste. Look for small, dark, dirt-like smears or dot-shaped marks around the corners and bottom of your bed. They may also produce small, dot-shaped blood stains where they feed.
Shed skin: Bed bugs return to their hiding spots to molt after every blood meal. Shed skin is a translucent tan color and often becomes crusty, flakey, or hard. Check for the remains of shed skin around cracks and crevices near your bed and headboard.